Tightening of Public Health Measures by the Province
Posted on Friday, October 02, 2020 08:30 PM
EOHU in Agreement with Tightening of Public Health Measures by the Province
The Ontario government announced on October 2nd that it is tightening public health measures to curb the rising number of COVID-19 infections in the province.
As of October 3rd, the province is making the use of face coverings mandatory in all public indoor settings in Ontario, including businesses, facilities and workplaces.
In addition, the government is pausing social circles and recommending that all Ontarians limit their...
Temporary COVID-19 Testing Centre Opening
Posted on Thursday, September 24, 2020 04:45 AM
Temporary COVID-19 Testing Centre Opening
in Parking Lot at Calypso Waterpark in Limoges
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU), in partnership with Ontario Health East and paramedics from both Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and Prescott-Russell, is opening a temporary COVID-19 testing centre in the parking lot of the Calypso waterpark in Limoges. The drive-through testing centre, located just off highway 417 at 2015 Calypso Street, will open on Thursday, September 24th and operate seven days a week...
Fall Leaf Collection - Date correction
Posted on Thursday, September 24, 2020 01:00 AM
Fall Leaf Collection
As part of the continuing waste diversion initiatives of the Township of Champlain, please be advised that a special curbside pickup of compostable material (leaves, branches, grass and cedar clippings) will be made during the WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9, 2020
All compostable material are to be placed at the curbside (or edge of road) beginning on the Monday before 7:00 a.m. of the pickup week.
No vehicles will return to an area if pickup has already...
Construction on Highway 34
Posted on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 12:00 AM
MTO CONTRACT NO. 2020-4081
Please be advised that Coco Paving will soon begin construction on Highway 34 for MTO Contract No. 2020-4081. The scope of work for this contract includes the widening of Highway 34 to accommodate the addition of a continuous two-way left-turn lane as well as dedicated left turn lanes at Perreault Street. Work includes; road widening, concrete work, ditching, culvert replacement, private entrance reconstruction and paving.
Cogeco will be extending their network to Vankleek Hill and L'Orignal
Posted on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 08:45 PM
Cogeco invests $7 million to connect more Canadians
As part of Cogeco Communications Inc.'s (TSX: CCA) four-year commitment to invest more than $1 billion in the operation and expansion of its advanced Canadian broadband network, its subsidiary, Cogeco Connexion, is pleased to announce a $7 million commitment to offer its high-speed Internet services to over 4,600 homes and businesses in Hawkesbury and Southwestern Ontario.
"Thanks to this investment, 1,000 homes and businesses will be connected in...
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