Planning Initiatives

a man drawing a site plan with colors

Each year, Council undertakes specific initiatives under its jurisdiction as a response to development trends, resident demand for services and other needed community improvements.

Projects Under Public Consultation

1. Backyard Hens 
2.Tiny Homes 

Backyard Hens (Chickens on Residential Properties) CLOSED

Champlain Township frequently receives questions from property owners wanting to have hens on their residential property.  Champlain Township is considering allowing as many as four hens in residential yards in village areas of L’Orignal and Vankleek Hill, and rural residential areas of West Hawkesbury and Longueuil under certain conditions.  Please take this quick survey to tell us what you think about this initiative.

General Parameters of program

  1. A limit of four (4) hens will be permitted on a single residential property.
  2. A minimum residential lot area of 500m2 is required to be eligible for a backyard hen licence.
  3. A backyard hen licence may only be issued for properties with single detached dwellings.
  4. A coop, outdoor run, including manure and feed storage must be located within a rear yard at least 3 meters from any adjacent property line.
  5. The coop, hen run including manure and feed storage may not be located in any minimum side yard or any front yard.
  6. A coop is limited to a maximum height of 2m.   Coop Height shall be measures from the top of the ridge of a sloped roof or by the highest point of the overall structure.
  7. The coop and outdoor run must be placed on the property in such a manner as to limit visual impact.
  8. The coop structure and/or dedicated outdoor run areas may not be located within 30 meters of a watercourse, within a flood plain or in an easement area.
  9. The coop structure and/or dedicated outdoor run areas may not be located within 15 meters of the property line of a school, public park, or public educational facility.
  10. Hens must be kept in their coop from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. 
  11. No single residential property may be eligible for more than one (1) backyard hen licence.
  12. A backyard hen licence shall be valid for a maximum period of 18 months at which time the owner of the hens shall re-apply for a licence. 
  13. The backyard hen licences will be issued on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. 
  14. A maximum of 30 licences will be issued each year by the Township of Champlain and will be further awarded by location (ward) as follows:
    • 5 Licences in Vankleek Hill
    • 10 Licences in West Hawkesbury
    • 10Licences in Longueuil
    • 5 Licences in L’Orignal 

You can find out more about the project by reviewing these documents:

Please take this quick survey to tell us what you think about this initiative

Take Our Survey

 Tiny Homes (Small Dwellings, Multi-Dwelling Lots) CLOSED

Champlain Township frequently receives questions from property owners wanting to build tiny homes in backyards and/or vacant lands. Champlain Township is considering allowing as many as three tiny homes on a lot with an existing single detached dwelling or allowing for tiny homes on vacant lots within urban areas.   Please take this quick survey to tell us what you think about this initiative.

Related documents:

Please take this quick survey to tell us what you think about this initiative

Take Our Survey

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