Community groups can be considered the foundation of a great town. They offer richness and culture, rounding out our social and professional lives.
This page provides convenient links to connect residents with local groups and services. This is not a business directory. Contact the Communication and Community Development Officer to request an update to this page.
On this Page
- Community Support
- Health Care
- School and Education
- Place of Worship
- Recreation and Sports Associations
- Heritage and Cultural Associations
- Community Groups and Clubs
- Government and Employment
Community Support
Arks Harvest (Food Share Program) |
Website: arksharvest.com Facebook Page: Arks Harvest Vankleek Hill Email: support@arksharvest.ca Address: 15 High Street, Vankleek Hill, Ontario Phone Number: 450-613-5557 Arks Harvest is a not-for-profit food share program. Their goal is to create a sustainable food share program that offers affordable food for everyone while working within our community. |
L'Orignal Food Bank |
Phone Number: 613-675-1999 Email: balcan261@outlook.com Facebook Page: L'Orignal Food Bank and Thrift Store Address: 135 Longueuil Street, L'Orignal, K0B 1K0 |
Vankleek Hill Food Bank |
Website: vankleekhillfoodbank.ca Phone Number: 613-678-8119 Email: info@vankleekhillfoodbank.ca The Vankleek Hill Food Bank is a volunteer-run food bank and thrift store located in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. Our food bank provides essential food assistance to those in need, while our thrift store operates to support the food bank's mission. Together, we are committed to making a positive impact in our local community. |
Vankleek Hill Meals on Wheels |
Phone Number: 613-678-2967 Founded in 1985, the Vankleek Hill branch of Meals on Wheels delivers meals three times per week to seniors local to Vankleek Hill if they are recuperating or needing respite from food preparation. |
Vankleek Hill Business Merchant Association |
Website: myvkh.com Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Business and Merchant Association Email: vkhbma@gmail.com The Vankleek Hill Business & Merchant Association is a not-for-profit organization that aims to support local businesses and provide opportunities for business owners to connect. It’s all about business owners working together! |
Valoris Prescott Russell (Support, Protection, Inclusion, Community) |
Website: valorispr.ca Facebook Page: Valoris de/of Prescott-Russell Address: 411, Stanley Street, Hawkesbury Phone Number: 1-800-675-6168 Email: info@valorispr.ca Their mission is to provide comprehensive and compassionate support to those in need, helping each person achieve their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. Services
United Counties of Prescott and Russell (Social assistance, housing, paramedic) |
Phone Number: 1-877-632-7530 Website: Social Services - United Counties of Prescott and Russell Facebook Page: Prescott et/and Russell Address: 59 Court Street, L'Orignal, Ontario The Social Services Department of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell is responsible for the administration of social services within its territory. It manages the Ontario Works program, Early Years Services, the EarlyON Child and Family Centre and the subsidies for the residents in domiciliary hostels as well as Housing Services to ensure availability to the qualified applicants who live in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. |
Prescott-Russell Victim Services |
Phone Number: 1-800-667-6307 Website: svsprescottrussell.ca Facebook Page: Services aux victimes Prescott-Russell Victim Services Email: info@svsprescottrussell.ca Organization that provides emotional and practical support to victims. Services
Interlude House (Women's Shelter & Outreach) |
Website: www.minterludeh.ca Facebook Page: Maison Interlude House Phone Number: 1-800-461-1842 Email: info@minterludeh.ca In its early days, MIH operated only an emergency shelter in Hawkesbury. But since 2003, MIH has become a multiservice agency to better meet women's needs. While MIH's initial service territory was limited to Prescott and Russell, our mandate has expanded to include outreach services in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry counties. All MIH services are free, confidential and offered in French & English. |
Novas Centre (Women's Support & Advocacy) |
Website: www.centrenovas.ca Facebook Page: Centre Novas Phone Number: 613-764-5700 Email: info@centrenovas.ca The Novas Centre is a feminist organization run by and for women. It offers specialized services to anyone who identifies as a woman, a victim or survivor of sexual assault, as well as to their loved ones. |
Fem'aide (helpline for women dealing with violence) |
Website: femaide.ca Facebook Page: Fem'aide Phone Number: 1-877-336-2433 Email: info@femaide.ca The francophone helpline for women dealing with violence. Fem’aide offers French-speaking women who have experienced gender-based violence, support, information and referral to appropriate front-line services within their communities, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fem’aide can also respond to requests for information made by family and friends of women who are victims of violence. The helpline’s main focus is to assist women who have experienced violence in an intimate relationship and women who have been sexually assaulted. Fem’aide uses a feminist approach empowering women to identify their own needs and to make their own informed decisions. |
Carefor (Home and community support services) |
Website: carefor.ca Phone Number: 1-800-267-1741 Email: infoeasterncounties@carefor.ca Carefor is Eastern Ontario’s largest home and community support services not-for-profit charity, offering holistic care and support to seniors, people living with disabilities and their caregivers, giving people choice in how they want to live their lives through in-home care, community programs, retirement living or our hospice in Cornwall. |
Prescott Russell Community Services (Senior & Caregiver Support Services) |
Website: servcompr.com Facebook Page: Services Communautaires de Prescott et/and Russell Community Services Address: 295 Main Street West, Suite B, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 0B3 Phone Number: 613-632-0939 Prescott Russell Community Services provides services for people aged 55 and over and adults with special needs living in the Prescott-Russell region. They also supports and provides services for family caregivers. Their team includes professionals in social services, healthcare and administration. Volunteers and external suppliers complete their team. Services
Health Care
Hawkesbury General Hospital |
Website: hgh.ca Facebook Page: HGH Phone Number: 613-632-1111 Address: 1111 Ghislain Street, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3G5 The Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) provides high-quality care to the residents of Prescott-Russell and surrounding areas. HGH is a bilingual full-service regional hospital. |
Hawkesbury Mental Health and Addiction Regional Center |
Address: 580 Spence Ave, Hawkesbury, ON Phone Number: 1-844-304-1414 Website: Access to Mental Health and Addiction Services - Hawkesbury General Hospital Our team provides community mental health and addiction services to clients to help them achieve a better quality of life. Services
Canadian Mental Health Association Champlain East |
Website: cmha-east.on.ca Facebook Page: CMHA Champlain East / ACSM Champlain Est Address: 444 McGill Street Suite 101 Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1R2 Phone number: 1-800-493-8271 CMHA Champlain East offers a range of programs and services designed to enhance the rehabilitation, recovery and independence of individuals living with a severe mental illness or concurrent disorder (mental illness combined with substance use disorder). |
School and Education
Pleasant Corner Public School |
Upper Canada District School Board - English Public Elementary School Website: pleasantcorners.ucdsb.on.ca Facebook Page: Pleasant Corners Public School - UCDSB Phone Number: 613-678-2030 Address: Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0Email: pleasantcorners@ucdsb.on.ca |
St-Jude Catholic School |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario - English Catholic Elementary School Website: stjude.cdsbeo.on.ca Facebook Page: St. Jude Catholic Elementary School Phone Number: 613-678-5455 Address: 5355 ON-34, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0 Email: stjude.vankleekhill@cdsbeo.on.ca |
École élémentaire catholique St-Grégoire |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien - French Catholic Elementary School Website: saint-gregoire.csdceo.ca Facebook Page: École élémentaire catholique Saint-Grégoire Phone Number: 613-678-2126 Address: 50, rue Home, Vankleek Hill (ON) K0B 1R0 Email: saint-gregoire@csdceo.org |
École élémentaire catholique Saint Jean Baptiste |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien - French Catholic Elementary School Website: sjb.csdceo.ca Facebook Page: École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste Phone Number: 613-675-4878 Address: 35, rue Longueuil, L'Orignal, Ontario K0B 1K0 Email: sjb@csdceo.org |
Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute |
Upper Canada District School Board - English Public High School Website: vci.ucdsb.on.ca Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute - UCDSB Phone Number: 613-678-2023 Address: 5814 Highway 34, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0 Email: vci@ucdsb.on.ca |
École publique le Sommet |
Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario - French Public High School Website: lesommet.cepeo.on.ca Facebook Page: École secondaire publique Le Sommet Phone Number: 613-632-6059 Address: 894, boul. Cécile, Hawkesbury, Ontario, K6A 3R5 Email: lesommet@cepeo.on.ca |
École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien - French Catholic High School Website: escrh.csdceo.ca Facebook Page: Escrh Phone Number: 613-632-7055 Address: 572, rue Kitchener, Hawkesbury K6A 2P3 Email: escrh@csdceo.org |
Places of Worship
Cassburn United Church |
Address: 1790 Cassburn Rd, L'Orignal Phone Number: 613-675-4487 Facebook Page: Cassburn United Church |
Knox Presbyterian Church |
Address: 29 High Street, Vankleek Hill
Phone Number: 613-678-3985 Website: knoxvkh.ca |
Trinity United Church |
Address: 50 High Street, Vankleek Hill
Phone Number: 613-678-2436 |
St-John's Anglican Church, Vankleek Hill |
Address: 5845 Highway 34, Vankleek Hill
Phone Number: 613-677-8889 Facebook Page: St. John's Anglican Church, Vankleek Hill |
St-Grégoire Catholic Church |
Address: 137 Higginson Street, Vankleek Hill
Phone Number: 613-678-2610 Email: paroissestgregoirevkh@gmail.com Facebook Page: Paroisse Saint-Gregoire de Nazianze de Vankleek Hill |
Seventh Day Adventist Church |
Address: 5372 Highway 34, Vankleek Hill
Website: hawkesburyon.adventistchurch.org |
Vankleek Hill Baptist Church |
Address: 156 Main Street E, Vankleek Hill
Phone Number: 613-678-3084 Email: info@vkhbc.com Website: vkhbc.com Facebook Page: Vankleek hill Baptist Church |
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Catholic Church |
Address: 1057 Queen Street, L'Orignal
Phone Number: 613-675-4497 Facebook Page: Paroisse St-Jean-Baptiste de L'Orignal Email: paroissestjeanbaptistelorignal@gmail.com |
Recreation and Sports Associations
Vankleek Hill Sports Club |
Website: vkhsc.ca Phone Number: 613-307-0566 Email: admin@vkhsc.ca Facebook Page: Vankleek hill Sports Club The Vankleek Hill Sports Club is a non-profit organization founded in 2018. Our mandate is to provide affordable recreational youth sports programs while helping to facilitate local school and competitive teams in need of financial or administrative support. |
Ski Vent Clic |
Website: skivankleekhill.ca Facebook Page: Ski Vent Clic Ski Vent Clic is a volunteer organization that maintains over 16 km of cross-country ski trails. |
Vankleek Hill Fiddle Dance |
Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Fiddle and Dance Association Dedicated to preserving traditional Old time square dancing and traditional old time music. |
Recreational Trail of Prescott and Russell |
Website: www.sentierprtrail.com The recreational trail is a safe and multi-functional trail that crosses the entire United Counties of Prescott and Russell, from Hammond in the west to St-Eugène in the east, over a distance of 72 km. Mainly in rock dust, four sections of 2 km are paved, in the villages of Bourget, Plantagenet, Vankleek Hill and St-Eugène. |
Eastern Prescott Russell Minor Hockey Association (Fusion) |
Website: eprmha.ca Facebook Page: Eastern Prescott Russell Minor Hockey Association Developing hockey skills, friendships, sportsmanship, teamwork, & many more lifelong skills. |
Vankleek Hill Cougars |
Website: www.vankleekhillcougars.net Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Junior Cougars Email: cougarsjrhockey1@gmail.com The Vankleek Hill Junior Cougars is a hockey team that plays in the NCJHL. |
Eastern Ontario Cobras AA |
Website: easternontariocobras.com Facebook Page: Eastern Ontario Cobras The Cobras are part of Hockey Eastern Ontario Minor representing District 3 at the competitive level in the HEO AA/A League. |
Eastern Ontario Wild AAA |
Website: wildaaa.ca
Facebook Page: Eastern Ontario Wild AAA Our mission is to develop hockey players to reach their highest potential. Our primary focus is on mentoring, developing, and shaping the character of the young individuals who participate in our program. The Eastern Ontario Wild AAA competes in the HEO AAA League in Ottawa ON. |
Vankleek Hill Skating Club |
Website: Vankleek Hill Skating Club - Skate Ontario Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Skating Club Phone Number: 514-442-4577 The Vankleek Hill Skating Club offers many bilingual skating program for our youths. |
Vankleek Hill Fair and Agricultural Society |
Website: vankleekhillfair.ca Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society & Fair Email: info@vankleekhillfair.ca The Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society organizes one of the oldest agricultural fairs in Ontario. Made up entirely of volunteers, this dynamic group maintains the fairgrounds, constantly upgrading and building. |
1st Vankleek Hill Girl Guide Unit |
Facebook Page: 1st Vankleek Hill Girl Guide Unit Guiding provides a safe, all-girl environment that invites girls to challenge themselves, to find their voice, meet new friends, have fun and make a difference in the world. Girl Guides of Canada–Guides du Canada (GGC) strives to ensure that girls and women from all walks of life, identities and lived experiences feel a sense of belonging and can fully participate. Girl Guides is an organization with over 100 years of history and a strong and growing future. |
Baseball, Softball and Three-Pitch Recreational Adult League |
Interested in playing in a local recreational league? Whether it's baseball, softball, or three-pitch, we can connect you with the right team! Contact Mélanie Larivière, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, to get the contact details of the league or team organizer. |
Recreational Hockey Adult League |
Interested in playing in a local recreational league? Contact Mélanie Larivière, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, to get the contact details of the league or team organizer. |
Heritage and Cultural Associations
ACCORD Choir |
Facebook Page: Chorale Accord Choir Public Group ACCORD offers the opportunity to make music, build new friendships, and develop musicianship. The choir fosters the many social, physical and mental benefits of a vibrant choral experience. It is not necessary to know how to read music. Nor are there any auditions. All voices are welcome to come out and try. Singers will learn the music together in a friendly and inclusive environment, and there are digital learning tracks available for home practice. Tenors and basses are especially welcome! |
Arbor Gallery |
Website: arborgallery.org Facebook Page: Arbor Gallery - Galerie Arbor Address: 103 High Street, Vankleek Hill Phone Number: 613-678-6171 An art gallery with a cultural mission and community involvement. As a registered charity, our purpose is to support and promote the work of artists and artisans in various visual, craft, and performing art forms. As a charitable organization supporting arts and culture in a community context, our mandate is to offer a platform for artists working in a broad range of media and at many career stages. We offer exhibition opportunities to emerging and unrepresented artists, as well as inviting established artists to share their work in our unique historical building and community context. As a community-oriented organization, we have refocused our attention on raising awareness of, and introducing the community to, cultural diversity and appreciation. We see our cultural role as a way to facilitate mutual understanding within the community, through workshops, lectures, events and more. |
Conseil des arts Prescott Russell Arts Council (CAPRAC) |
Website: caprac.ca Facebook Page: CAPRAC Phone Number: 613-307-0491 The Conseil des arts Prescott Russell Arts Council (CAPRAC) was incorporated on February 18th and inaugurated on March 27, 2014 to support the development of artists, organizations and all those involved in arts, culture and heritage activities. We see ourselves facilitating, endorsing and providing a voice at the regional level. Its primary responsibility is to increase the public awareness of artists, organizations and activities in our counties, to support their development and to invite the community to integrate cultural expression into its activities. |
Higginson Tower |
Website: higginsontower.ca Facebook Page: The Higginson Tower Phone Number: 613-678-8263 Email: higginsontower@gmail.com Enjoy a bilingual experience as you learn about the history behind this beautiful structure. Tour groups are welcome! Enjoy a bilingual interpretive program and displays of artifacts found during an archaeological investigation which took place before restoration. Listen to history as you climb the steps inside the Tower to the top! The Tower is open during the summer season and open off-season by special appointment to groups of 10 or more. |
L'Orignal Old Jail |
Website: www.lorignalprison.com Facebook Page: Ancienne prison de L'Orignal Old Jail Address: 1023 Queen Street, L'Orignal, K0B 1K0 Email: lorignal.prison@hotmail.ca Phone Number: 613-675-4381 Welcome to the oldest jail in Ontario and second oldest in Canada. Come and visit the oldest jail in Ontario and the 2nd oldest jail in Canada. The L'Orignal Old Jail is a unique tourist attraction in eastern Ontario. Open to the public since 2007, the historic building motivates people from the surrounding region and elsewhere to soak in the penitentiary atmosphere of long ago. |
L'Orignal Longueuil Heritage |
Facebook Page: Patrimoine L'Orignal-Longueuil Heritage Non-for-profit organization promoting the rich history of L’Orignal. |
Vankleek Hill Historical Society and Museum |
Website: www.vankleek.ca Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Museum Address: 90 Main Street E, Vankleek Hill, Ontario, K0B 1R0 Phone Number: 613-678-2323 Email: info@vankleek.ca The Vankleek Hill Museum was created to collect, preserve, research, exhibit and interpret objects that best serve to illustrate the founding, the settlement and the development of the town of Vankleek Hill and immediate area from 1797 to the present. |
Community Groups and Clubs
Club Amicale de L'Orignal |
Vankleek Hill & District Lions Club |
Phone Number: 613-678-2367 Website: Vankleek Hill & District Lions Club Founded in 1917, the Vankleek Hill & District Lions Club are best known for fighting blindness, but are also volunteer for many different kinds of community projects - including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry and aiding seniors and the disabled. |
Vankleek Hill Legion |
Information to come |
Vankleek Hill Farmer's Market |
Website: vankleekhillfarmersmarket.ca Facebook Page: Vankleek Hill Farmers' Market Address: 50 Home Avenue, Vankleek Hill, Ontario Phone Number: 613-677-4152 Vankleek Hill Farmers’ Market is the perfect place to talk to farmers who actually raise the products they bring to market and the processors and crafters who are passionate about the quality of what they offer. |
Government and Employment
Employment Services Centre |
Website: csepr.ca Facebook Page: CSEPR Address: 134, rue Main Est, bureau 201, Hawkesbury, Ontario, K6A 1A3 Phone Number: 613-632-0179 Email: CSEPR serves job seekers, workers, entrepreneurs and employers. |
United Counties of Prescott and Russell (Regional Upper-Tier Government) |
Website: en.prescott-russell.on.ca Facebook Page: Prescott et/and Russell Address: 59 Court Street, L'Orignal, Ontario, K0B 1K0 Phone Number: 1-800-667-6307 The United Counties of Prescott and Russell is the soul of eight municipalities, each one with unique characteristics. Serving East Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury, Champlain, Alfred and Plantagenet, The Nation, Casselman, Russell, and Clarence-Rockland, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell acts as an upper-tier municipality with the responsibility of supporting regional interests and providing residents with an unparalleled quality of life. |
MPP, Stéphane Sarrazin (Provincial Government - Glengarry-Prescott-Russell) |
Website: stephanesarrazinmpp.ca Facebook Page: Stéphane Sarrazin Address: 290-A Rue McGill, Hawkesbury, Ontario, K6A 1P8 Phone Number: 1-800-294-8250 |
MP, Francis Drouin (Federal Government - Prescott-Russell-Cumberland) |
Website: liberal.ca Facebook Page: Francis Drouin Email: francis.drouin@parl.gc.ca Address: 179 Main Street East, Hawkesbury, Ontario, K6A 1A1 Phone Number: 1-800-990-0490 |
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