Champlain Township honours its seniors!

Champlain, June 10, 2022 - Due to special circumstances related to COVID-19, Champlain Township had not highlighted the good works of its seniors in 2020 2021. The 2020 and 2022 recipients were awarded their certificates at the June 9, 2022 meeting at the Town Hall. The 2021 recipient could not attend the June meeting, she was therefore honored at the August 11 meeting. In recognition of their dedication and efforts to improve the quality of life of its citizens, the Township of Champlain proudly announces the recipients of the 2020, 2021 and 2022 Senior of the Year awards.

Senior of the Year 2020 - Mr. Gary Barton

Mr. Barton had a 46-year career in municipal politics. He served his first term as an elected official in 1972 and retired from politics in 2018 as Mayor of Champlain Township.

Through the years, Gary always made time to volunteer: a former minor hockey and soccer coach, a past president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, a past president of the Vankleek Hill Curling Club and a past president of the Vankleek Hill Recreation Association. He is a Board member of the Vankleek Hill Historical Society and the Higginson Tower Committee where he was very much involved with the 2-year restoration of the tower. He was also the Chair of the 2011 International Plowing Match hosted in Prescott and Russell. As President of the Van Kleek Senior Citizens Manor, Gary is currently overseeing the 30-unit expansion project of the Manor. Congratulations and thank you Gary for your past and continued contribution in the community.

Senior of the Year 2021 - Mrs. Alice MacLaurin

Mrs. MacLaurin grew up and attended school in Vankleek Hill, and began volunteering in 2015 to meet people and get a sense of what was happening in the community.

Mrs. MacLaurin got involved with Meals on Wheels; joined the St. John’s Anglican Church and became Chair of Fundraising; she is the vice-president of Anglican Church Women (ACW) St John’s. She then became a Director of the Higginson Tower where she helped with the overseeing of summer students and general upkeep. In 2019. she was a founding member of Friends of the Champlain Library where they raised funds to help with programs and raise public awareness. Mrs. MacLaurin is now a Director of the Vankleek Hill and District HistoricalSociety and also sits as a member on the Acquisitions Committee. 

Congratulations and thank you Mrs. MacLaurin on your devotion and involvement in our community.

Senior of the Year 2022 - Mrs Michelle Landriault

Ms. Landriault has been involved in various projects and committees over the years. She was one of the founding members of the Vankleek Hill May Show and Associate Director of the Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society.
She then became a member of the committee for the Vankleek Hill Centennial-Bi-Centennial. A year which held many activities for the double celebration of the 100th and 200th anniversary. She also helped create the 1997 Vankleek Hill Calendar filled with local historic images. Michelle became the first president of the Vankleek Hill & District Historical Society and later became treasurer for over 20 years. Since the restoration of the Vankleek Hill Museum in 2009, Ms. Landriault has overseen the day-to-day management of the museum, developed exhibits and is currently co-chair of the museum's collections committee.

In addition to being involved in various committees, Ms. Landriault has been involved in projects such as the Christmas Home Tour, content and design of the “Vankleek Hill Boys 1916” and  coordinating the transportation of Syrian refugees locally for Opportunity Knocks. Michelle created the Vintage Vankleek Hill Facebook page and is currently President of the Champlain Library Board.

Thank you Michelle for all you have done and continue to do for the community. 

More than ever, volunteering is very important today and many people contribute significantly to the quality of life of many residents of Champlain. The municipality would like to thank once again all the volunteers and seniors working within the territory, without whom many services, activities and events would not be possible. As we are in daily contact with these people, we all know how important it is to be able to have them among us.

Sincere congratulations to the winners for their commitment and for their entire volunteer career, tinged with mutual aid and sharing.