Champlain Township, September 19, 2022 – On August 11 regular meeting, municipal Council approved to support National Rail Safety Week to be held from September 19 to 25, 2022. During the National Rail Safety Week, CN Police Service (CNPS), along with many CN colleagues, will continue to spread the important message about rail safety in communities across CN’s network. It is in the public’s interest to raise citizens’ awareness of the dangers of ignoring safety warnings at level crossings and trespassing on rail property to reduce avoidable deaths, injuries and damage caused by incidents involving trains and citizens
As part of its efforts, it is raising awareness about the potentially devastating consequences of trespassing on railroad tracks and disregarding rail safety signs and signals at highway-rail grade crossings.
Each time you cross a railroad track irresponsibly there is a potential danger. CN ultimate goal is to bring railroad crossing/trespassing accidents down to zero. By joining efforts, we can prevent railroad crossing/trespassing accidents.
Rail Safety by the Numbers
- There are approximately 40,000 railway crossings in Canada.
- There are almost 45,000 km of active railway tracks from coast to coast.
- Every year, more than 100 Canadians are seriously injured or killed as the result of railway crossing or trespassing incidents. Almost every one of these incidents is preventable.
- Stop behind any gates or stop lines — or no closer than 5 metres from the nearest rail — and wait for the train to pass. Cross only after the warning signals have stopped and you are certain no other trains are approaching, from either direction, on any track.
Rail Safety Tips
- Speed misperception - Because of their size, trains appear to be much farther away and travelling much slower than their actual speed. Don’t be fooled!
- Trains can’t stop quickly - The average train needs at least 2 km to stop. Trains can stop, but they can’t stop quickly!
- Trespassing - Taking a shortcut across the tracks or being on railway property is illegal, and trespassers can be seriously injured or killed.
- Weight ratio - An average freight train weighs over 5,500 tonnes. Compare that to a car, which weighs about 1.5 tonnes. A train hitting a car is like a car hitting a pop can.
- Railway cars - Stopped railway cars can move at any time. If you’re on one or near one when it moves, you could lose a limb—or worse, your life.
- Tunnels and bridges - Tunnels, bridges, and trestles are designed only for trains. Trespassers can be seriously injured or killed.
- Overhang - Trains can carry loads that are wider than the railroad cars themselves. They can have chains, straps or other equipment that may extend outside the car. If you are standing too close, you could get hit.
- Any time is train time - Trains do not always run on schedule. They can run at any time, on any track and come from either direction.
Test your knowledge and take the pledge – By answering the questions and taking the safety pledge you will be entered in a draw to win a prize.
About Operation Lifesaver
Funded by the Railway Association of Canada and Transport Canada, Operation Lifesaver works with the rail industry, governments, law enforcement, labour groups, the media, and other organizations and communities from coast to coast to increase awareness about rail safety—because they believe rail safety is a shared responsibility.
Their dedicated staff and Rail Safety Ambassadors across the country educate Canadians of all ages through rail safety presentations to schools, youth clubs, driver associations, snowmobile and ATV clubs and other community groups.
By working together, they are making Canadians more aware of the hazards around railway property—and saving lives in the process.
Visit Operation Lifesaver’s website Visit CN Railway’s website
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