Notice: Sand bags clean-up

Sand bags clean-up

The Township will be organizing a team of volunteers to assist homeowners on Saturday June 8th, 2019 with the removal of their sandbag walls. 

Starting at approximately 9:00 am Champlain Township Firefighters will go door to door to the affected residences in order to have the property owners sign a liability waiver which allows the volunteers to enter onto private property.  Volunteer crews shall only be permitted onto private property once a waiver is signed.

Volunteers will be assisting only in the removal of sand bags; they are not authorized to assist with any other clean-up requests.

If you wish to remove your sandbag wall before this time, we ask that you place the sand bags in a pile along your property frontage so that volunteer crews can easily access the pile.  Please also ensure that you do not obstruct any public roadways. 

This is a one-time event with the Township assisting with the sand bag clean up, if you are not able to remove your sand bag wall(s) on this day the Township will not be returning, therefore you will be permitted to bring them to the Municipal Landfill Site, free of charge.

We thank you in advance for your continued cooperation during this difficult time.