Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment Z-02-2024

Notice of a Complete Application and Public Meeting Concerning a Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Z-02-2024 

The Council of The Corporation of the Township of Champlain received a complete application and will hold a Public Meeting at 6:00pm on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at the United Counties of Prescott and Russell County Office, 59 rue Court Street, L’Orignal, to consider a proposed amendment to the Official Plan for the Urban Areas (Vankleek Hill), Township of Champlain and Zoning By-law No. 2000-75 of the Township of Champlain under Sections 17 and Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.  The affected properties are Part of Lot 17, Concession 6, Geographic Township of West Hawkesbury, now Township of Champlain.

The proposed Official Plan Amendment would modify the land use designation from “Low Density Residential” to “Medium Density Residential”.

The purpose and effect of the zoning by-law amendment is to rezone the subject lands from R1, R1-7, R2, R3-4, and OS (per amending zoning by-law 2022-54) to a new R3-7 zone to permit row (townhouse) dwellings on the site.  The site-specific exception number would allow reduced minimum lot frontage requirements to 5.5 metres and reduced interior side yard setbacks to 1.5 metres minimum.  The Open Space (OS) zone which is intended for stormwater management would remain.

For more information:

Marc Rivet
Consulting Planner
Township of Champlain