Request for Proposals for Rebranding, Positioning and Marketing Services

The Township of Champlain is requesting proposals for rebranding, positioning and marketing services. 

As part of its 2022-2026 strategic plan and to mark its 25th anniversary, the Township of Champlain, hereinafter referred to as the Township, is seeking a firm to provide a variety of branding services to develop a branding concept for the Township as an up-and-coming location for businesses, visitors and residents, including municipal identity/branding, development of a brand values statement, market research, messaging/positioning development, logo development, associated graphic standards, and recommendations for brand implementation from initial rollout, to development, and full transition to a new brand.

Sealed tenders, which shall be clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Township of Champlain, 948 Pleasant Corner Road East, Vankleek Hill, Ontario until: 3:00 PM, local time, on October 13, 2022.

On the same day, and shortly after the closing time, the tenders will be opened and read publicly. The tender documents may be obtained from MERX commencing on September 2, 2022.

The Township of Champlain, at its own discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject any compliant or noncompliant proposal and advises that the lowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.

Questions will be received until end of day September 16, 2022 and shall be sent in writing to the Communication Specialist. The Township reserves the right to distribute any and all questions (anonymously) and answers pertaining to this tender by addenda. The final addendum, if applicable, will be issued on September 23, 2022.
