Unofficial Municipal Election Results

2022 Municipal and School Board Elections Results for the Township of Champlain

Elected by Acclamation: At the close of nominations, the number of certified candidates for an office is the same as the number of positions.

Unofficial election results - The results will be certified by the Township Clerk on Tuesday, October 25.

Municipal Council

CandidateNumber of Votes
Normand Riopel Elected by Acclamation
Councillors (2) for Ward 1
Vankleek Hill
CandidateNumber of Votes
Peter Barton 619
Paul Emile Duval 636
Denis Welden 104
Councillors (2) for Ward 2
CandidateNumber of Votes
Michel Lalonde Elected by Acclamation
André Roy Elected by Acclamation
Councillors (2) for Ward 3
CandidateNumber of Votes
Éric Boivin 104
Paul Burroughs 572
Ginette Clément 369
Serge Ravary 351
Councillors (2) for Ward 4
West Hawkesbury
CandidateNumber of Votes
Sarah Bigelow Elected by Acclamation
Gérard "Gerry" Miner Elected by Acclamation

School Board

French Catholic School Board
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'est ontarien
CandidateNumber of Votes
André Bonneau Coming soon
Sergine Rachelle Bouchard Coming soon
French Public School Board
Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario
CandidateNumber of Votes
Gilles Fournier Elected by Acclamation
English Catholic School Board
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario
CandidateNUmber of Votes
Sue Wilson Elected by Acclamation
English Public School Board
Upper Canada District School Board
CandidateNumber of Votes
Corina Parisien Elected by Acclamation