Update : Reconstruction of High Street (Highway 34)


This notice is to advise you that the work on the reconstruction of High Street (Highway 34) is now well underway and is still expected to end this summer.

Overnight & Week-End Work

The Contractor has been completing some night work to expedite the remaining work. Residents were being highly impacted as a result, hence there will be no further work between 10:00 PM and 6:30 AM.

Weather permitting, the Contractor may still wish to complete day work on Saturdays in order to expedite the remaining work.

We apologize for this inconvenience and would like to thank you for your continued patience.

Project Facebook Page

Further updates will be posted on our Facebook page, which can be accessed from here.  

We again apologize for this inconvenience and would like to thank you for your continued patience. Should you have any questions or concerns with the above, please communicate with the General Contractor or Project Manager at:

General Contractor 
Jason Grant  
Cornwall Gravel Co. Ltd. 
390 Eleventh St. W 
Cornwall, ON K6J 3B2 
Telephone & Emergency: (613) 932-6571 
Email: jason@cornwallgravel.ca 

Project Manager
François Lafleur, P.Eng.
EVB Engineering
800 Second Street West
Cornwall, ON K6J 3P6
Telephone: (613) 935-3775, ext. 240
Email: francois.lafleur@evbengineering.com
