Does the Township of Champlain allow hobby farms? |
Yes. Hobby farms are permitted in rural and agricultural areas provided the lot has a minimum area of 2 hectares (5 acres). In the Township of Champlain, hobby farms are limited to 5 nutrient units. New livestock facilities including the conversion of an existing shed to a barn, must meet the minimum distance separation established by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Hobby Farmers are encouraged to review the Ministry’s Guidebook. |
How big can I build my detached residential garage? |
It depends. The maximum size of a residential garage depends on whether you are in an urban or rural area. In the village areas of L’Orignal and Vankleek Hill, a detached residential garage is limited to 5m (16.4ft) in height, the lesser of 8% of the lot area, 100% the lot coverage of the main building or 90m2 (968sq ft). This includes any existing detached garage, shed or deck located on the property. The garage cannot be located in the front yard, and cannot be located closer than 1.2m to any side, rear lot line or the main dwelling. In rural areas including West Hawkesbury, L’Orignal, Longueuil, a detached residential garage is limited to 6m (19.6ft) in height and the lesser of 8% of the lot area or 150m2 (1,614 sq ft). Accessory buildings used for a hobby farm may have a cumulative floor area of 240m2 (2,583 sq ft). This includes any existing detached garage, shed or accessory building located on the property. A new garage must also be minimum of 1.2m from the dwelling. |
Does the Township of Champlain allow Cannabis Businesses? |
Yes. The Township of Champlain has cannabis opportunities in manufacturing, retailing and cultivation. Manufacturing opportunities are primarily found in existing industrial zones. Manufacturing uses allows for growing, producing, testing, destroying, storing, packaging, shipping and/or distribution of cannabis products. Micro cultivation must maintain a 20m separation distance from a residential, institutional or open space zone. A standard cultivation facility must maintain a 70m separation distance from residential, institutional and open space uses. Cannabis retail may occur in any zone which allows for general retail provided it complies with the Cannabis Licence Act and the Education Act. The separation distance between schools and cannabis retail establishments is 150m. A cannabis business may be considered part of an 'On-Farm Diversified Use' in existing agricultural zones. In this case, cannabis uses are limited to 2% of the total area of a lot producing harvestable crop to a maximum of 10,000m2. Buildings are limited to 50% of the 2% lot coverage. Any agricultural production of cannabis is subject to site plan control. Provincial legislation permits the growing of cannabis plants both indoors and outdoors however the processing of the plants (i.e. trimming, drying, extracting and processing) must be done indoors. Applicants interested in Cannabis projects are strongly encouraged to review federal licencing requirements prior to filing a development application. |
Can I operate an outdoor storage lot? |
No. Open storage or outdoor storage is only allowed as secondary part of an approved mini-storage, manufacturing, warehousing facility or similar use defined in the Zoning By-law. In most cases, mini-storage, manufacturing, warehousing proposals are subject to site plan approval. Appropriate screening, lighting, parking and landscaping must be provided for outdoor storage areas as per the Site Plan and Subdivision Design Guidelines. |
Does the Township of Champlain allow chicken coops in residential areas? |
No. The Township of Champlain does not have a bylaw permitting chicken coops in residential areas. Chicken coops are therefore only permitted in agricultural and rural areas as part of farming operations or hobby farms. |
Does the Township of Champlain alert residents of Planning Applications? |
Yes. Notification for all applications is provided as per the Planning Act. If you do not read the newspaper, the Council agendas and are outside of the legislated notification range for a mail out, you may not be aware of the development applications currently under review. We encourage all residents interested in finding out more about local planning applications to consult our current applications webpage and/or subscribe to our social media newsfeeds. |
Can I sever my lot? |
It depends. A severance is often referred to as “consent”. In the Township of Champlain, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell are the approval authority consent applications. In determining if consent is appropriate, the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) will refer to the existing zoning in place, the policy direction contained within the UCPR Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement. Property owners interested in pursuing an application for consent are encouraged to review Section 7.4.2 of the UCPR Official Plan, the Township of Champlain Zoning By-Law and the UCPR Lot Creation Website. The Township of Champlain is able to provide advice regarding a consent application’s impact on future zoning and development of the property in question. |
Is zoning information available online? |
Yes Zoning information can be accessed by referring to the Township of Champlain’s Zoning By-law. Property owners are encouraged to locate their properties by referring to the schedules in attachment. The zoning designation shown on the map can then be cross-referenced to the written by-law. Zoning maps can also be accessed on the United Counties of Prescott and Russell’s. |
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