Township Services

Champlain Township frontage from the Highway34

Incorporated on January 1, 1998, through the amalgamation of West Hawkesbury Township, Longueuil Township, Town of Vankleek Hill, and the Village of L'Orignal, the Township of Champlain offers a long and unique history with deep connections to its traditional industries and bilingual past. The Township is at a literal and figurative crossroads sitting between Ottawa and Montreal. It offers a mix of urban and rural living amplified through its cultural assets, architecture, and natural beauty. 

Mission, Vision & Values


To lead the delivery of quality and efficient services that establish our Township as a welcoming, healthy community for residents, businesses and visitors.


The Township of Champlain is dedicated to a safe and prosperous community, and a quality lifestyle achieved through our collective, caring leadership, and our bilingual heritage.


  • Transparency and Accountability

  • Respectful, Healthy and Safe Workplace

  • Leadership

  • Service Excellence, Professionalism and Efficiency

For more information about our 2022-2026 goals and objectives, visit the Strategic Plan webpage.

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