Building and Renovating

House's plan

Construction permits

Do I need a building permit?

Permits are required for the following work in the Township of Champlain:

  • Construction, renovation (including finishing basement, new siding, new windows, bathroom, kitchen, deck), addition, relocation, replacement, structural change, garden shed bigger than 100 sq.ft.
  • Change of use or occupancy
  • Installation of a HVAC system, wood (or any other combustible) stove, furnace or chimney
  • Installation of a pool or spa
  • Installation of a fence, sign
  • Construction of a temporary building
  • Demolition of any or part of any building or structure
  • Any other work deemed necessary by the Building and By-law Enforcement Official. 

In doubt, contact us.

Where to apply?

The necessary application forms for any building, renovating and demolition permits are available at our building department municipal office: 925 County Road 17, L'Orignal, ON, K0B 1K0 or online.

Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish

Why do I need a permit?

Building permits ensure that construction within the Township meets with standards of the Ontario Building Code. Our municipal building officials enforce said Code to protect you, your property and potential new owners of your property. 

Furthermore, enforcement of codes and our municipal by-laws and any other regulations under which said permits and licenses are issued is aimed at protecting the public health, safety and welfare, as well as protecting property, animals and environment, ensuring and maintaining a high standard of living in our Community.

I am planning to build a new dwelling in the Township of Champlain... What is required?

When you apply for a Building Permit to build a new house, there are conditions to respect in reference to the Zoning By-law and other regulations and you will have to provide multiple documents:

  • Permit Building Application
  • Two sets of Specific Plans
  • Copy of the Deed of Land (proving ownership)
  • Specification Documents

Permit Building Application

The Application For a Permit to Construct or Demolish form has to be duly filled and must include the Designer information sheet and the Energy Efficiency Design Summary. Application Forms are available online on the Government of Ontario website and also at our office.

We recommend that you take the time required to read and carefully complete the application form and schedules. It is important that you ensure that your application is complete, accurate and signed.

Plans and drawing

Building Permit applications must be submitted with two sets of the following documentation:

  • A building plan (floor plans, elevations, wall section and cross-sections and details, roof truss drawings, as appropriate)
  • A survey plan indicating the boundary of the land
  • A plot plan indicating (lot dimensions, yard setbacks, easements, right-of-way, the North, power lines)

Specification Documents

Where applicable and if required, you may need to provide the following:

  • A Private Sewage System Permit or Water & Sewer Connection Permit
  • An Entranceway Permit
  • A Clearance Notice for Drinking Water Source Protection Zone
  • Specs sheet of heating & ventilation system (form supplied by our office)
  • Engineer's report for slope stability, where required
  • Grading plan, where required.
Private Sewage System Permit

South Nation Conservation issues permits and services related to severances, land development, new construction, and inspections of private sewage systems. Privately owned sewage systems, including septic tanks and leaching beds, require a permit for installation or alteration under the Ontario Building Code. Proper operation and maintenance of your private sewage system is also required under this Code.

Form is available online on the South Nation Conversation Website.

Contact Information

South Nation Conservation Authorities

PO Box 29, 38 Victoria St. Finch, ON, K0C 1K0
613-984-2948 or toll-free 1-877-984-2948

Water and Sewer Connection Permit

For water and sewer municipal services, the permit is available at our building department office. See below for more information regarding Municipal services Water and Sewer.

Entranceway permit (culvert)
Contact Information for Culvert Permit
Jurisdiction of the roadContact PersonContact Information
Municipal Road

Sebastien Levesque

Township of Champlain

613-678-3003 ex.225

County Road

Mathieu Gauthier



Provincial Road Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO)

Online on the MTO website


Clearance Notice for Drinking Water Source Protection Zone

Property located within the Hawkesbury Drinking Water Source Protection Zone must obtain a Clearance Notice issued by the South Nation Conservation Authority (1-877-984-2948). 
In order to find out if you are located within this zone you can verify with the Building Department or call directly the South Nation Conservation

Any other question or information?

For any further information or question, just give us a call: 613-675-4727. 

How much does a permit cost?

The cost of a permit depends on the square footage and other various factors, such as: fireplace, wood stove, plumbing fixture, verandas, etc.

An administration performance deposit is added to the cost of the Building Permit. Full amount of the administration performance deposit is reimbursed to the owner if the project is completed within one year, if not, 33% is deducted after each year.

Please note that the Township of Champlain does not have any development charge in addition to the building permit fee. 

How long does it take to get a building permit?

Once all the information and required documents are handed in, it usually takes one to two weeks for the permit to be issued. During the high building summer season, it may be extended to three weeks, very seldom more.

For more information about Property Standards, Swimming Pools and Fences, Road Cuts, click on the green button Commonly Requested Bylaws.

Commonly Requested Bylaws

Water and Sewer

The Township of Champlain offers municipal water and sewer connection services in our two urban areas: the Village of L'Orignal and the Vankleek Hill. 

The water connection service is also available, on demand, in certain areas where the main pipe is already installed to direct the water from the Town of Hawkesbury to the Village of L'Orignal and the Town of Vankleek Hill (i.e. Along Highway 34, County Road 4). 

Municipal services Water and Sewer

The costs for the municipal water and sewer connection vary for each ward. Consequently, please contact our Department at (613) 675-4727, for further information.

Please note that the property owner is also responsible for all the other costs related to the connection works to the municipal services. 

Of course, if you have to dig on municipal property (ditch, sidewalk, road, etc.) the property owner has to obtain a Road Cut Permit from the Public Works Department beforehand. A security deposit will then be required in addition to the connection costs.

We recommend any owner and contractor to have all underground services located before digging. You can obtain this information at “Call before you dig” 1-800-400-2255.

When a permit for water or sewer connection is issued, the Building Department and the Ontario Clean Water Agency have to inspect the works. The Public Works Department will only be involved to inspect if a Road Cut Permit is issued and/or when there is a connection to the storm sewer.

Private services

Anywhere else in the Township, private wells can provide drinkable water to properties. Please note that well owners are responsible for ensuring that water from their wells is safe to drink.

Owners of private septic systems must conform to Part 8, of the Ontario Building Code which is enforced by the South Nation Conservation Authorities (1-877-984-2948), who issues the Sewage System Permit, inspects and delivers the Compliance Certificate for said systems once all works are completed. A copy of the Compliance Certificate is required by the Building Department in order to close the file.

Contact Us