Annual Events

Crowd during an event in Vankleek Hill

Calendar of Events

Local events are a great way to bring communities closer together. In Champlain Township, there are always people to meet, something to do, to discover or to rediscover!

There are more than 30 special events in the Township of Champlain annually. These events such involve food and beverage, holiday festivities and community heritage are organized by our passionate community members, local businesses and the Township’s own recreation department.

Thinking of organizing an event in Champlain? Check out our Special Event Guidelines.

Picture of a band dressed in green playing music on a porch
Wee Irish Festival

March 17, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Get out your green, your shamrocks and your pot of gold; it’stime to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Excellent Events.

613-678-2873 or email

Hockey players playing hockey
Pond Rocket

March 29, 2024, Vankleek Hill 

Annual hockey tournament organized by the community. Fun guaranteed, hockey on the ice and party off the ice! 

613-307-0566 or Facebook

Teenagers with apron doing pancake mixes
Russell Gauley Breakfast

May 5, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Breakfast organized by the community, proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society "Wheels of Hope" program.

Picture of a group of kids dressed like square dance competitors
Square Dance Competition

April 20, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Annual spring dance fundraiser for Vankleek Hill Fiddle and Dance Association.


pictures of tractors parked on the street as a display
May Show Festival

May 19, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Excellent Events brings people together in honour of our culture and heritage.

613-678-2873 or email

Various knick-knacks on a table
Community Garage Sale

June 1 - 2, 2024, Champlain

Community garage sale weekend happening all over Champlain Township.


picture of a bunch a stuff for sale during a garage sale
Trash N' Treasures

June 1, Vankleek Hill

Community-wide yard sale organized by the Business and Merchant Association.

1-877-678-3327 or email

picture of a women behind a table with cheese and crackers
Garden Party

June 2, Vankleek Hill

An intimate garden experience where visitors can learn about Garden Path Homemade Soap.

613 678-7298 or email

Truck Pull and crowd in bleachers
Truck Pull & Show N' Shine

Truck Pull & Show N' Shine, Vankleek Hill

Powerful Trucks and Modified Tractors put their strength to the test, pulling heavy loads and competing for the top spot. 


Slo-Pitch logo
Slo-Pitch Tournament

June 30, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Mixed Slo-Pitch Tournament in support of the Alzheimer Society of Cornwall & District

Visit their event page for more details

2 kids playing with water balloons
Canada Day

July 1st, 2024, L'Orignal

Celebrations organized by the Township of Champlain - fireworks, music and activities!

613 678-3601 or email

Band on a stage playing music
VKH Food Bank Jamboree

July 6 2024, Vankleek Hill

Live music, BBQ and door prizes for the Vankleek Hill Food Bank. Thank you to Windsor Tavern & The Review for this fundraiser.

1-877-678-3327 or email

Picture of women sitting in a buggy held by horses on the street
Horse & Buggy Parade

July 9, 2023, Vankleek Hill

This annual parade attracts large crowds, where beautiful horses and buggies promenade through town.

 613-678-2873 or email

Picture of a band playing music on a porch

July 13, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Several bands and individuals will be performing on different porches in Vankleek Hill. Visit their website for more info.


Picture of a group of people running
Bay Run

July 27, 2024, L'Orignal

Community Run hosted by Physio Lalonde. All funds will be donated to the Hawkesbury General Hospital Foundation. 

613-677-8844 or Facebook

Picture of costumed kids on a farm-themed float
VKH Agricultural Fair

August 15 -18, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Artisan exhibits, amusement rides, demolition derby, and more, hosted by the VKH Agricultural Society.

613-678-2439 or email

Woman painting outside in front Church
Art in the Garden

August 17, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Outdoor art exhibition

Visit the event page for details.

Picture of a cook under an outdoor tent doing bakeries
Festival of Flavours

Sept. 8 2024, Vankleek Hill

Come enjoy food from local producers and around the globe during this free yearly "foodies" event!

 613-678-2873 or email

Picture of a women on a stage with an irish hat looking at a crowd with a beer in her hand
Beau's Oktoberfest

September, Vankleek Hill

Featuring live music, more than 60 different beer taps, delicious cuisine, activities, and so much more.

1-866-585-2337 or email

Kids costumed dancing
Halloween Dance

End of October, Vankleek Hill

Brought to you by the Vankleek Sports Club, kids will have fun, play games and win prizes.


Image of an old jail with ghosts around it
Haunted Dinner

October, L'Orignal

Enjoy a three-course meal in the prison cells. After dinner, you will be treated to a spooky tour of the old jail.

613-675-4661 ext.8107 or email

Prisonner costumed in a prison cell
Haunted Jail

October 31, L'Orignal

L’Orignal Old Jail is gearing up for another year of screams and scares.

613-675-4661 ext. 8107 or email

Pink Christmas trees and other decoration on a porch
Vankleek Hill Christmas Home Tour

November 2, 2024, Vankleek Hill

This event showcases porches, each decorated for Christmas by professional decorators. 

1-877-678-3327 ex.1002 or email

Women showcasing his christmas product in a fair
Christmas Market

Nov. 16 -17, 2024, L'Orignal

Artisan Market organized by Patrimoine L'Orignal Longueuil Heritage


Santa on his sled
Champlain Christmas Parade

November 29, 2024, Vankleek Hill

Visit our event page for all details

Christmas tree illuminated at night
Christmas Tree Illumination

December 7, 2024, L'Orignal

Illumination of public Christmas tree

by Patrimoine L'Orignal Longueuil Heritage organization


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