The Township of Champlain is seeking four or five (4 - 5) individuals to fill the positions of Fence Viewers for the Township of Champlain for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of Council. Fence Viewers are appointed by Council pursuant to the provisions of The Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. 17, a Provincial law to govern the arbitration process when neighbours cannot agree on the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of a line fence. Interested parties must complete the application form Appointment as Fence Viewer and submit the duly completed form, no later than March 14th, 2024. See more information below.
The Township of Champlain and the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet are seeking a community representatives from each township for the Hawkesbury Detachment Police Services Board. Interested parties must complete the application form Champlain Community Representative for Hawkesbury OPP Detachment Board and submit the duly completed form, no later than April 5, 12 p.m., 2024. See more information below.
On this page
- Committee of Adjustment
- Library Board
- Appointment of Fence Viewers
- Community Representative for Hawkesbury OPP Detachment Board
Committee of Adjustment
The Committee’s authority is granted by Champlain Township’s Council under the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S. O. 1990, Chapter P.13 and includes the authority to hold public meetings and to make decisions on applications submitted to the Township of Champlain for minor variances from the provisions of the Township’s Zoning By-Law. While the Committee is a local board of the Township, it operates independently from Council and its decisions may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.
The Committee considers applications for minor variances where a requirement of a Zoning By-Law cannot be met under Section 45 of the Planning Act. Minor Variances are often necessitated by circumstances peculiar to a property which prevent the owner from developing it in a way which conforms to the Zoning By-law. Examples of Minor Variance Applications include requests for relief from the building setback, building height and parking provisions of the Zoning By-law.
The Committee is authorized to grant a minor variance if all of the following criteria, commonly referred to as “four tests” are met:
- the variance is minor;
- the variance is desirable or the appropriate development or use of the land;
- the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained; and
- the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained.
The Committee will refuse an application if, in its opinion, one or more of the above criteria have not been met. The Committee cannot grant exemptions to the by-law which, in effect, would constitute a change of zoning. In such cases, property owners would have to make an application for a Zoning By-Law Amendment.
The Committee is required to give notice, follow procedures and is subject to appeal routes set out in the Planning Act. All meetings of the Committee are open to the public, and rules governing the procedure for Council meetings shall be observed by the Committee in so far as they are applicable.
Apply Now to Be Part of the Committee of Adjustment
The Township of Champlain is seeking individuals to fill the five (5) positions of Champlain’s Committee of Adjustment for the 2022-2026 term of Council. The Committee of Adjustment has the authority under the Planning Act, to hold public hearings and to make decisions on applications submitted to the Township for minor variances from the provisions of the Municipal Zoning by-Law.
Interested candidates must be:
- Canadian citizen;
- resident of Champlain Township;
- at least 18 years of age; and
- bilingual (French/English)
Interested parties must complete the application form no later than November 25.
Fill out the Application Form - Appointment to Committee or Board
Membership |
The Committee shall be composed of five appointed non-elected members from the following wards:
A general understanding of the Planning Act, the Official Plan of the Urban Areas of Township of Champlain, the Official Plan of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell and the Zoning By-Law of the Township of Champlain is preferred. |
Term |
Appointment shall be concurrent with the term of Council, unless otherwise decided by Council. Members hold office until their successors are appointed. If a member ceases to be a member before expiration of his/her term, Council will appoint another eligible person for the remainder of the term. The mandate of a member ends when he or she is absent for three consecutive meetings without a valuable excuse. The mandate ends at the end of the third meeting of which the member did not assist. Furthermore, the mandate of a member ends when a member is no longer a resident of the Township. Finally, any member can resign from the Committee by forwarding a written resignation letter to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee. A vacancy in the membership or the absence or inability of a member to act does not impair the powers of the Committee or of the remaining members. |
Remuneration |
The remuneration of the Members of the Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Champlain shall be at the same rate as the remuneration of Members of Council for attendance at their respective liaison committee meetings. |
Quorum |
The Committee is composed of five members, hence three members shall constitute a quorum. |
Meeting Schedule |
Meetings will be scheduled upon receipt of an application for a minor variance and will usually take place on a Tuesday commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Office at 948 Pleasant Corner Road East. |
Committee Chair |
The Committee will appoint one of its members to act as Chair. When the Chair is absent through illness or otherwise, the Committee may appoint another member to act as Acting Chair. The Chair has no authority to make decisions on his or her own, he or she can only run a meeting in a fair and efficient manner so that the will of the majority prevails after the minority has had a fair chance to present its point of view. |
Secretary-Treasurer |
The Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Champlain shall be the Clerk of the Township of Champlain. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep on file minutes and records of all applications and the decisions thereon and of all other official business of the Committee. |
Champlain Public Library Board
Champlain Public Library's mission is to ffer the community bilingual access to information, literature and ideas that stimulate imagination and inquiry.
Champlain Township Public Library Board shall seek to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library service that reflects the community's unique needs. Champlain Township Public Library Board:
- bears legal responsibility for Champlain Township Public Library.
- determines and adopts written policies to govern the operation of the Board and library understands the library-related needs of the community.
- determines the goals and objectives of the library and secures adequate funds to fulfil these goals.
- fixes the dates and times for regular meetings of the Board and the mode of calling and conducting them, and ensures that full and correct minutes are kept.
- appoints a competent and qualified Chief Executive Officer; evaluates and fixes the rate of pay of the CEO, and if necessary, dismisses the CEO.
- works with the CEO to prepare a budget adequate to carry out the library's goals and objectives and presents this budget to municipal council.
Volunteer Now to Be Part of the Library Board
The Chair of the Champlain Township Public Library Board is currently seeking volunteers to serve on its Board. Along with playing a role in governance and fiscal concerns, Library Board Members are expected to support and participate in the community by: Establishing the library as an essential community service; Building community pride in the library; and, advocating the library’s role in the community.
Interested candidates must be:
- Canadian citizen;
- resident of Champlain Township or East Hawkesbury Township;
- at least 18 years of age; and
- able to attend 10 meetings per year.
Interested parties must complete the application form no later than November 23.
Fill out the Application Form - Appointment to Committee or Board
Meetings |
The Chief Executive Officer shall call the inaugural meeting of the Champlain Township Public Library Board in each new term upon receipt of the confirmation of Board appointments from the Municipal Clerk and a by-law from the Municipal Council. The annual meeting of the Champlain Township Public Library Board shall be held in December of each year. The Secretary shall preside and conduct the elections every four years for the position of Chairperson in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order and the Municipal Act of Ontario. The Chairperson shall assume the chair for the appointment of committee members. Regular meetings of the Champlain Township Public Library Board shall be held each month from January to June and September to December, unless such day shall be a legal, public or civic holiday, in which case the Board shall meet at the same hour on a date agreed upon at the preceding meeting of the Board. Regular meetings will be held in the Champlain Township Municipal offices. The Chairperson or any two members of the Board may summon a special meeting of the Board by giving each member reasonable notice in writing, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is called which shall be the sole business transacted at the meeting. Despite any other Act, board meetings shall be open to the public, except where the Board is of the opinion that intimate financial or personnel matters may be disclosed at a meeting. When the Board determines that matters should be dealt with in the absence of the public or a staff member, a motion to move into in-camera session must be moved, seconded and approved by a majority vote. Motions to move in-camera are not debatable. At the conclusion of the in- camera session, a motion must be moved, seconded and approved by a majority vote to return to public session. A motion to confirm any motions approved during the in-camera session shall be made. |
Attendance |
Regular attendance of all Board members at Board meetings is vital to the satisfactory conduct of Board business. In the event that a member must be absent from any meeting, that member shall notify the Secretary prior to the day of the meeting. Should a member be absent for two (2) consecutive meetings, the Board shall consider the circumstances of the absence and either notify the Municipal Council that the seat is vacant, or pass a resolution authorizing that person to continue as a Board member until the next meeting. |
Chairperson of the Board |
The Chairperson of the Champlain Township Public Library Board acts as an official representative of the library and in a leadership role to the Board, ensures the proper functioning of the Board and the proper conduct of Board business, in accordance with appropriate legislation and prescribed rules of procedure.
In addition, the Chairperson is responsible for:
Membership and Quorum |
As the Champlain Township Public Library Board is composed of a not less that 4 and mot more than 7 members plus the Mayor of Champlain Township (or another member of Champlain council) three or more members shall constitute a majority of the members of the board. No business of the board shall be transacted except at a meeting at which a majority of the board is present. Where a quorum is not present within thirty minutes after the hour fixed for a meeting, the Secretary shall record the names of the Board members present and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next meeting or until a special meeting is called. If notified by a majority of board members of their anticipated absence from a meeting, the Secretary shall notify all members of the Board that the meeting is cancelled. |
Appointment of Fence Viewers
The Township of Champlain is seeking four or five (4-5) individuals to fill the positions of Fence Viewers for the Township of Champlain for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of Council.
Interested candidates must be:
- Canadian citizen;
- resident of Champlain Township;
- at least 18 years of age; and
- bilingual (French/English)
Interested parties must complete the application form Appointment as Fence Viewer and submit the duly completed form, no later than March 14th, 2024, to the Clerk.
Fill out the Application Form - Appointment to Committee or Board
Terms of Reference
Please note that the Fence Viewers Terms of Reference are a draft only. They will be presented to Council on March 28, 2024 for review and approval.
Purpose |
Fence Viewers are appointed by Council pursuant to the provisions of The Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. 17, a Provincial law that provides a dispute resolution procedure between the owners of adjoining properties in most of Ontario. Line fences are fences that mark the boundary between properties and are often referred to as boundary or division fences. The Act does not deal with disputes about fences that are not on a boundary line. |
Responsibilities |
The responsibilities of the Fence Viewers for Champlain Township are those set out in the Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. 17. |
Term and Number of Fence Viewers |
Remuneration |
The remuneration of the Fence Viewers for the Township of Champlain shall be at the same rate as the remuneration of members of Council for attendance at their respective committee meetings. |
Member in Good Standing |
All members should reflect appropriate conduct when attending meetings and/or representing the Township of Champlain in public. |
General Conduct |
All Fence Viewers will abide by the Township of Champlain Council Code of Conduct and other applicable Township policies and guidelines. |
Authority |
The Fence Viewers shall work within the scope of their responsibilities as set out in this Terms of Reference and the Line Fences Act. |
Confidentiality |
The Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, shall bind the Fence Viewers as it relates to confidentiality, conflict of interest, closed sessions, and other any other requirements under the Act, which pertain to the conduct of officials. |
References and Related Documents |
By-Law to appoint Fence Viewers 2024-xx |
Revision History |
n/a |
Line Fences Act
The Line Fences Act is a procedure to resolve line fence disputes between the owners of adjoining properties. The Act does NOT deal with disputes about fences that are not on the boundary line or disputes about where a boundary line is. Owners of adjoining properties who are unable to reach an agreement about a line fence may apply to the municipality to have the dispute arbitrated by three Fence Viewers who are appointed by Municipal Council.
Fence viewers do not determine the location of a boundary line.
When the Line Fences Act Applies
The Line Fences Act applies when there is a disagreement between two neighbours on:
- which owner is responsible for the line fence work; and
- the type of line fence to be built or repaired.
It only applies when:
- no fence exists, and one owner wants a fence constructed to mark the boundary; or
- a line fence already exists, and one owner feels it needs to be reconstructed or repaired.
When the Line Fences Act does not apply
Fence-Viewers do not deal with disputes:
- over the location of the property boundary,
- where the fence or proposed fence is not on the boundary line,
- where construction or repair of the fence has commenced or is complete,
- where the adjoining property is a municipal or provincial highway.
Dispute Resolution
Property owners are encouraged to work with their neighbour towards a solution without involving the Fence Viewers. An informal discussion between a municipal staff member and the owner of the adjoining property may sometimes help to resolve a situation without the need for fence viewers.
If a solution can not be found, you will submit a Form 1 – Request for Fence Viewers.
The Fence Viewers will follow the guidelines of the Line Fences Act and provide resolutions to disputes between owners of adjourning properties.
Under the Act, three (3) fence-viewers are required to be present at a viewing, and they are only authorized to address one or both of the following issues:
- The apportionment of responsibility for the fencing work between the two adjoining owners
- The description of the fence that is to be constructed or reconstructed on the boundary line, including the materials to be used
- After the viewing, the fence-viewers issue an award and allocate the costs of the proceeding between the two owners.
More information
The Ontario Government provides the following two relevant guides:
A Guide to the Line Fences Act
The Line Fences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L. 17,
Police Services Board -Hawkesbury Detachment
The Township of Champlain and the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet are seeking community representatives from each township for the Hawkesbury Detachment Police Services Board.
Background |
Police service boards oversee how policing is provided in communities. They contribute to their community’s safety and well-being by working with local citizens and organizations to ensure their community receives appropriate policing needs. |
Mandate |
The Community Safety Policing Act, 2019 comes into force on April 1, 2024. Section 67(1) of the Act states that there shall be an OPP detachment board for each detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). OPP police services boards are responsible for determining objectives and priorities for police services, in consultation with the detachment commander, establishing local policies on police services, participate in the regular selection of the detachment commander, receive regular reports from the detachment commander and monitor the performance of the detachment commander. |
Membership |
The Hawkesbury O.P.P Detachment Board will include two (2) provincially appointed representatives, council representatives from each of the participating municipalities, and three (3) community members (one from the Township of Alfred-Plantagenet, one from Champlain Township and one from the Town of Hawkesbury). |
Seats available |
One Community Representative for Champlain Township and one Community Representative for the Township of Alfred-Plantagenet. |
Qualifications |
Previous experience on boards or committees is considered an asset. To qualify as a board member, you must:
Expectations |
Board members are expected to complete training as assigned, participate in the election of a Chair at the first meeting in each year, follow and adhere to the Members of Police Services Boards Code of Conduct and attend meetings as determined by the board with no fewer than four meetings each year. Members will serve for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term of Council. |
Please send a letter of interest with your relevant experience noted in the application. If you are selected, you will have to submit a Level 1 police record check.
Deadline for applications is April 5th, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
More Information
Applications and questions for the Township of Alfred-Plantagenet should be directed to Annie Rochefort, Clerk for the Township of Alfred-Plantagenet at, 613-673-4797.
Applications for the Township of Champlain can be submitted via the application link below and questions can be directed Alison Collard, Clerk for the Township of Champlain at, 613-678-3003 ext. 229.
Fill out the Application Form - Appointment to Committee or Board
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