Garbage and Recycling

garbage and recyling bin on the curb of the road, garbage truck coming to pick it up

On this page

  1. Regular collection schedule for garbage and recycling
  2. Garbage regular collection
  3. Recycling regular collection
  4. Holiday reycling tips 
  5. How to discard special items
  6. Annual large items special collection and electronic equipment collection
  7. Electronic waste and styrofoam depot center
  8. Compostable and organic waste collection
  9. Household hazardous waste collection
  10. Municipal landfill
  11. Holiday regular collection schedule and Christmas tree collection

 Regular Collection Weekly Schedule for Garbage and Recycling

Some of our trucks have a hydraulic arm to facilitate waste collection. Please ensure to:

  • place your bins in your driveway, on the side of the road before 6 a.m. on collection day;
  • allow 2 feet of clearance between each bin;
  • close the lid of the bin; and
  • place the handles and wheels facing the building.


Collection Day

Vankleek Hill (Ward 1)


L'Orignal (Ward 2)


Longueuil, including Domaine Chartrand (Ward 3)


Hawkesbury West (Ward 4)
All roads and streets South of Greenlane Road East and West, including this one


Hawkesbury West (Ward 4)
All roads and streets North of Greenlane Road East and West


Check out the collection map to find out which day is the waste collection day at your address.

Search your property in the map below:

  1.  Click on the square icon- full screen mode (or click here) at the upper right corner of the map to open in a larger map;
  2. Click on the search icon in the red bar at the top right;
  3. Type in your address;
  4. Zoom out and click on the colored shape to find out your collection schedule.

Garbage Regular Collection

How many bags, items or containers can be put out? 

Use 120L or 240L square bins with wheels for waste and recycling, with the 240L bin filled to a maximum of 3/4 capacity.

Garbage is limited to 154 L per household per week, and an unlimited amount of recycling may be set at the curb. Items not contained in a bag or container will not be collected.

Garbage will be collected at residential properties if it's: 

  1. One 120L square bin with wheels
  2. One 240L square bin with wheels filled to a maximum of 3/4 capacity
  3. 2 garbage bags

Garbage left in cardboard boxes will not be collected. Please do not tie lids to the garbage can and remove any bungee cords to avoid pitcher injury. 

 Excess Garbage

  • Excess garbage beyond what fits in your bin with the lid closed, must be bagged, tagged and set out beside your Garbage Bin for collection.
  • Garbage Tags are available for purchase at our municipal office at the cost of $3 per tag with a minimum of 5 tags per purchase.
  • Use a regular garbage bag for excess garbage and ensure that the Garbage Tag is stuck to the bag and is clearly visible.
  • Excess garbage and oversized items are different. The Township will pick up bulky items (appliances, furniture, carpets, etc.) during the Spring Collection (see below for more information).

Recycling Regular Collection

Circular Materials is now in charge of recycling collection in Champlain. Please ensure that your recycling is out by 6 a.m. on the day of your scheduled collection.

 Who's Circular Materials?
 As of July 1st 2023, Circular Materials, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating efficient and effective recycling systems, is responsible for Champlain Township's Blue Box recycling program. Their contractor, Cool Containers & Rentals will be carrying out the recycling collection throughout the township. This new program is a provincial-wide effort aimed to create a stronger, consistent and more effective Blue Box service that will reduce litter and allow more materials to be recycled in more communities. Visit their website for more information.

For questions regarding recycling, please contact Cool Containers & Rentals at 613-875-9110 or by email at

Recycling container can be any color, as long as it is clearly identified as recycling, it could also be blue or clear bags. There is no limit of bags or containers for recycling.

Accepted Materials in Recycling Bin

Please bring all electronics and white styrofoam at the Depot Center (for free).

Paper and Cardboard

  • Newspapers, flyers, magazines
  • Paper sheets, envelopes and paper bags
  • Books and phonebooks
  • Cardboard boxes (Must be flattened in bundles no larger than 30"x30")
  • Egg cartons
  • Gable top milk and juice cartons
  • Aseptic containers (Tetra Pak Type)

Every plastic products featuring symbols 1, 2, 5, and 7:

  • Bottles
  • Containers and wrappings for food products and drinks
  • cosmetics, personal hygiene products
  • Household cleaning products

Please take off caps and lids.

No grocery bags, bread bags, chip bags, milk bags, stretch wrap, zip lock bags or cereal box liners.

  • Bottles and jars, regardless of colour
  • No windows glass or ceramics


  • aluminum foil and containers
  • Aluminum bottles and cans
  • Tin cans
  • Caps and lids

Please rinse containers.

Holiday Recycling Reminder

 Accepted Items
  • Wine bottle
  • Gift tissue paper
  • Glass jar
  • Non metallic gift wrapping
  • Food and drink can
  • Metal sweet container
  • Packaging box and toy box
  • Plastic bottle
 Refused Items
 Christmas tinsel
  • Old toys & clothes
  • Wine cork
  • Plastic utensil
  • Broken glass & broken bauble
  • Metallic gift wrap
  • Metallic bow & ribbon
  • Artificial tree
  • Natural tree
    See the municipal tree collection above
  • Styrofoam
    Bring it to Recycle-Action Depot Center for free, see below for more info about the Depot Center
  • Christmas lights
    Bring it to Recycle-Action Depot Center for free, see below for more info about the Depot Center

How to discard the following materials and items?

Click on the links  to learn more about our collections and services.

Building materials and renovation waste products
 Municipal landfill
Skincare and cosmetic products such as mascara, facial cream and eye liner. 


  • Walmart Service Counter in Hawkesbury – Recycle in Beauty program
Computer equipment, television, phones, printers and other electronic and electrical equipment
  1. Contact Recycle Action for recycling
  2. Return-to-retail
    • Staples Hawkesbury accepts certain items

Dynamite, grey powder, rockets, firecrackers, ammunition or grenades.

Contact the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)

 Flammable items, pesticides, garden products, automotive products, paints, glue, and other household hazardous waste
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Aerosols (spray cans of paint, insecticides, pesticides, etc)
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Appliances and furniture
Annual large waste items special collection (maximum of 4).
Extinct residue from the burning of coal and wood
  1. Place in the ash container in front of the Hawkesbury fire station at 780 Spence Ave.
  2. Household composter or use as soil amendment

Vehicles, or any part thereof

Contact your Local Scrap yard


Car Batteries and household batteries

  1. Return-to-retail
    • Car batteries: Canadian Tire in Hawkesbury – Must be brought to service counter
    • Household batteries: Call2Recycle boxes at Canadian Tire and Staples in Hawkesbury
  2. Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Dead leaves, grass and cedar clippings
Gasoline tanks and used/dirty gasoline
 Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Light Bulbs
Neon, fluorescent, incandescent, halogen, LED, metal halide
  1. Household Hazardous Waste Collection
  2. Return-to-retail options can be found on this interactive map
Medical Waste

Restricted to unused or expired medicine (including inhalers) and sharps if in designated sharps container. These designated sharps containers are available for free at pharmacies.

  1. Return-to-retail - Contact your local pharmacist
    • Hawkesbury: Shopper’s Drug Mart, Jean Coutu, Walmart Pharmacy, Medical Pharmacy and Pharmasave
    • Vankleek Hill: Pharma Choice
  2. Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Fences, fence posts, fence wire, bicycle, Tin

Contact your local Scrap yard

Oil filters, empty oil containers (30L or less), used oil, antifreeze and antifreeze containers from non-commercial source

Commercial garages must independently arrange for appropriate disposal of automotive waste.

  1. Return-to-retail
    • Canadian Tire in Hawkesbury – Must be brought to service counter
      No gas or fuel accepted (see below for ways to dispose of gas and fuel)
  2. Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Paint, coatings, stains and driveway sealer
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Printing Supplies
Toner, ink and empty cartridges
  1. Contact Recycle Action for recycling
  2. Return-to-retail
    • Staples Hawkesbury accepts certain items 
  3. Manufacturers have mail-in recycling programs. Check online or call.
Propane tanks

4.7 Gal – 20 lbs BBQ propane tank (in good condition)

  1. Return-to-retail - Where you can purchase these propane tanks
  2. Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Off rim
  1. Return-to-retail
    • Most garages will accept old tires
    • Canadian Tire in Hawkesbury – Must be brought to service counter
  1. Municipal landfill
Solvents, acid, bases and any household hazardous waste not elsewhere on this list.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Bring it to Recycle-Action
Any appliance containing freon

Fridge, Freezer, Air Conditioner

  1. Contact Recycle Action for recycling
  2. Annual large waste items collection
    Need to be emptied of freon and tagged by a certified technician
Household waste over the weekly limit
  1. Purchase garbage tags
  2. Municipal landfill

Annual Large Waste Items - Special Collection and Electronic and Electrical Equipment Collection

 Municipal waste services are essential to the quality of life of our communities, to our health and to the protection of the environment. Let's work together to keep our township clean and green.

  • Only put the authorized items
  • Respect quantities
  • Stack the articles neatly

Electronic & electrical equipment will be collected by Recycle-Action the same week as the the large items, but  on a different day. Please separate electronic and electric equipment from the other household garbage at the curbside.

2025 Large Waste Items Collection Schedule per Ward

Large waste items will not be picked up at the same time as the regular garbage collection. Please make sure to place items the weekend before, and BEFORE, Monday 6 a.m. Collection Staff will not return to an area if pick-up has already occurred

Vankleek Hill (ward 1)

From May 5 to May 11, 2025

Place all items between Friday, May 3 and Monday, May 5 before 6 a.m.

Vehicles will not return to an area if pickup has already occurred.

L'Orignal (ward 2)

From May 12 to May 18, 2025

Place all items between Friday, May 9 and Monday, May 12 before 6 a.m.

Vehicles will not return to an area if pickup has already occurred.

 Longueuil (ward 3)

From May 12 to May 18, 2025

Place all items between Friday, May 9 and Monday, May 12 before 6 a.m.

Vehicles will not return to an area if pickup has already occurred.

 West Hawkesbury (ward 4)

From May 5 to May 11, 2025

Place all items between Friday, May 3 and Monday, May 5 before 6 a.m.

Vehicles will not return to an area if pickup has already occurred.

Maximum Quantity

The maximum quantity of waste must not exceed the size of a pickup truck box (1.2 metres by 2.4 metres by 1.2 metres or 4 feet by 8 feet by 4 feet). Individual items may not exceed a weight of 150 pounds. Items that do not comply with the following mentions will not be picked up.

Accepted Items
  • Furniture
  • Refrigerators (Freon must be removed and the appliance must be tagged by a licensed contractor
  • Stoves
  • Dishwashers
  • Washing machines and dryers
  • Barbecue (with propane tank removed)
  • Air conditioners
  • Furnaces
  • Patio or kitchen set (1 table and 4 chairs)
  • Bed spring and mattresses
  • Couch
  • Barrels
  • Water tanks (emptied)
  • Metal
  • Tree limbs must be bundled and tied together (maximum 2 feet wide by 6 feet long)
  • Compostable materials (in brown paper bags)
  • Accepted Items placed in clear bags
Refused Items
  •  Five or more pieces of furniture or appliances
  • Items with Freon
  • Tires
  • Construction and renovation materials (including rolls of carpeting)
  • Commercial, industrial, agricultural waste
  • Hazardous waste item (corrosive, flammable, poison)
  • Propane tanks and fluorescent tubes
  • Broken glass and mirrors
  • Animal carcasses
  • Dirt
  • Concrete, Stones
  • Vehicle parts or bodies and boats
  • Household garbage and food waste
  • Recyclable items picked up with regular recycling
  • Items placed in green or black garbage bags
  • Water softener, Pool, Spa, and accessories

Electronic Waste and Styrofoam Depot Center

Old electrical and electronic equipment that are not recycled are dangerous for the environment, the quality of the air, the water and also for the health of people. Protect the environment and bring your items to Recycle Action. It's free!

In a landfill, styrofoam takes thousands of years to break down. It is therefore better to recycle it.

Where to bring them?

Recycle Action
1301, Spence avenue
Hawkesbury, Ontario

Monday to Friday - From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Which electrical and electronic equipment are accepted?

Technology equipment
CD-ROM drives, computer disk drives, keyboards, mouse, modems, terminals, microcomputers and minicomputers, monitors (CRT, LCD, plasma), personal computers (desktop, laptop, notebook, notepad), personal-hand held computers and printers (printing devices will include copiers, scanners and typewriters)
Telecommunications equipment
 Fax machines, telephones (physical and accessories) including cellular phones, PDAs and pagers
Audio-visual equipment
 Televisions (CRT, LCD, plasma, rear projection), audio and video players, cameras, equalizers, (pre)amplifiers, radios, receivers, speakers, tuners, turntables, video players/projectors and video recorders.

Compostable and Organic Materials Collection - Fall Collection

From November 3 to November 9, 2025.

As part of the continuing waste diversion initiatives of the Township of Champlain, please be advised that a special curbside pickup of compostable material (leaves, branches, grass and cedar clipping) will be made from November 4 to November 10, 2024.


All compostable material are to be placed at the curbside (or edge of road) beginning on the Monday before 6 a.m. No vehicles will return to an area if pickup has already occurred.

All branches shall be tied up in bundles no longer than six (6) feet in length and all leaves and grass are in brown paper bags.

The collection contractor will not pick up any other bag.


 Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Saturday, October 4, 2025, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Household hazardous waste are items or objects that are harmful to your health and the environment if they are thrown in the trash or in the sewers. The Township of Champlain collects this hazardous household waste once a year. It is free. A proof of residence is required.


Hawkesbury Sewage Plant 
815 Main Street East, 
Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1B5


Accepted products are corrosive, flammable and poison product like the following examples.

Pesticides and Garden Products
Flea collars and sprays, mothballs, roach and ant poisons, arsenicals, fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides, weed killers (herbicide), molluscicides (slugs & snails), rat and mouse poisons.
Automotive Products

Antifreeze, automatic transmission fluid, battery and battery acid, brake fluid, car wax with solvent, motor oil (used and new), windshield washer fluid, auto-repair putty, fuel, gas, diesel, kerosene.

Household Cleaning Products
Ammonia-based, chlorine bleach, disinfectants, drain decloggers,
Paints, Solvents and Glue Products

Automotive spray paint, brush cleaners (with TSP), paint (enamel or oil-based). paint strippers (with sodium hydroxide), paint strippers (with methylene chloride), primer, stain/finishes, thinners and turpentine, wood preservatives.

Personal Care Products

Nail polish remover, unused over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

Miscellaneous products

Air fresheners, dry cell batteries, disposable butane lighters and cylinders, gas cylinders, fluorescent light tubes, energy-efficient light bulbs, photographic chemicals, lighter fluids, propane canisters, swimming pool chemicals, pharmaceutical products.

*No PCB’s, commercial, industrial, biomedical, radioactive, explosive, unknown waste or tires will be accepted.

Maps showing return-to-retail locations participating in HSP recycling programs.


Batteries – Call 2 Recycle  :

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map

 Light Bulbs

Light bulb Recycling – Product Care :

Accepted products & pick-up service

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


Other HHW Recycling – Product Care :

Accepted products & pick-up service

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map


Paint Recycling – Product Care :

Accepted products & pick-up service

Recycling Drop-Off Locations Map

 Municipal Landfill

Open every Saturday from May 4, 2024 to November 9, 2024 from 9 a.m. to noon.
The landfill will remain open on November 16 and 23, 2024 for compostable and organic materials only (branches, leaves, etc.)

1897 Cassburn Road, L'Orignal, ON K0B 1K0

Landfill Rates
Description Rate (cash only)
All tires – without rims – maximum 4 per person – must be able to leave name and address from who and where the tires came from Free
Compostable and organic materials (leaves, grass and cedar clippings) - contained in paper biodegradable bags Free
Branches - bundled up in a package not exceeding 6 feet in length. Free



Passenger vehicle/trailer

(All loads (excluding contractors) regardless of size/type. The vehicle/trailer will be measured and charged a rate per cubic foot.)

$0.65 (per foot³)
All tires – in excess of the maximum 4 per person – without rims $10 per tire
All tires – with rims $25 per tire
Items with coolant or refrigerant (air conditioner, refrigerator). Refrigerant must be removed and tagged by licensed contractor prior to acceptance $10 per item
Single axle vehicle (maximum 10 yards³) $150
Tandem axle vehicle (maximum 18 yards³) $260
Tri-axle vehicle (maximum 24 yards³) $350
Quantities dropped off in excess of maximum $15 per yard3

2025 Holiday Collection Schedule 

  • December 25, 2024: Collections postponed to December 26
  • January 1, 2025: Collections postponed to January 2
  • July 1, 2025: Collections postponed to July 2
  • December 25, 2025: Collections postponed to December 26

Christmas Tree Collection 2025

January 6 to 10, 2025

Place your Christmas tree no later than 6 a.m. on the Monday of the scheduled pick-up week. No vehicle will return to an area if pickup has already occurred. Ensure trees are behind the curb and not in the path of the snowplows.

Basic instructions

  • Remove all decorations from the Christmas tree.
  • Do not place the tree in a plastic bag.
  • Place the tree with the base facing the street.
  • Make sure the tree is not covered in snow and is not obstructing the sidewalk.
  • When snow is expected, make sure the Christmas tree is not obstructing the road to facilitate loading.

Contact Us